Mock Exam  2025

only for Math AA

New! Mock exam papers for the 2025 final exams

  • new questions
  • 6 papers for Math AA HL
  • 4 papers for Math AA SL
  • in the format of the official exam

Dear Visitors,

For the past eight years, I have been dedicated to providing free resources to support your IB Math studies. This year, I'm excited to offer a collection of mock exam papers that I've created to help you prepare for your final exams. To access these valuable resources, I kindly ask for a small donation. Your contributions will not only support the ongoing maintenance of this website but also ensure that I can continue to provide helpful materials for future students.

For Past Donors

Over the years, I have been fortunate to receive generous donations from approximately 80 supporters, ranging from 2 euros to various amounts. These contributions have helped cover the costs of maintaining the website—such as the domain and hosting—allowing me to continue this labor of love. While the funds have only provided a modest profit, the joy I find in creating and sharing resources for the IB math community is truly fulfilling. As a token of my gratitude, I would like to offer these mock exam papers to all past donors, recognizing their invaluable support (they will be sent to their emails).

Thank you for your generosity and support!

Math AA HL

Set A: Paper 1, Paper 2, Paper 3

Set B: Paper 1, Paper 2, Paper 3

[6 papers]


Math AA SL

Set A: Paper 1, Paper 2

Set B: Paper 1, Paper 2

[4 papers]


All papers

All Sets for both HL and SL

[10 papers]


27 March:    Set A for each level released

1 April:         Set A solutions released

5 April:        Set B for each level released

8 April:       Set B solutions released

To access the mock exam papers, please follow these steps: 

1.    Make the appropriate donation.

2.   Send an email to, mentioning your choice. Please include the words MOCK EXAM in the subject line.

3.    The papers will be sent to your email on the same or the following day.

4.    The solutions/markschemes will be uploaded to this page on the designated dates.

Thank you for your cooperation! 
