
IB Diploma Programme

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"Dear Christos, I appreciate you for developing a helpful material for the use of IB Math teachers community. Thank you." "Hello Christos, Just to let you know that I am impressed by your website. Thanks for sharing it with us (IB community). Nice notes, great tips! Will be following you for sure, especially with the new changes to the curriculum.“ "Hey, Greetings from Japan! I am a relatively new IB teacher. I have taught math SL for a full year now and math HL for 6 months. I am really thankful for your website” "Dear Dr Christos Nikolaidis, Thank you so much for sharing your site and notes with us! They are very useful information for revision. Thank you for your generosity! May God bless you and your family for your kindness!” "Greetings! Thank you for clear notes that support this maths HL option. They have been a support to my own lessons." "Hi, I am an ex-IB student. I am really grateful to you because I found your resources very helpful” "Hi Christos, I want to thank you for all this wonderful material you have shared. It is amazing and I am truly grateful. I just want to know if it is ok for me to share this with my students to prepare for their IB exam in 25 days. You are an amazing person and I a totally grateful for your time and effort you have put into this " "Hi Chris, I am a high school math teacher at an American school in Kuwait. I am going to be teaching an IB-SL class first time ever next year. As I was searching for good IB math resources online, I came across your website. This is serious stuff. You seem to have really put in a lot of effort. Thanks very much for being so generous to have all this material available for everyone.” "Hello Christos, I am an IB Math HL teacher from India. I have been using your worksheets for most of the topics. I often recommend my students to use your notes for revision.” “Thank you so much for designing a user-friendly website site and wonderful worksheets. It is after a long time I have come across good stuff. Very thoughtful to design and upload test in doc form. It gives me an opportunity to customize the test." "Dear Christos, congratulations on your site!!! It is very well organized and usefull for both teachers and students! I will teach Math HL in Genoa from September: I downloaded your suggested plan. Thank you for your time and for your site again! "Hi Christos, My name is P… R… and I am an IB mathematics teacher at the Zurich International School. I've thoroughly enjoyed your materials and tests” “I just wanted to say thank you! My high school just became an IB school last year and I am teaching IB Math SL for the first time. I came across your website about a month into my school year last year and it has been life saving for me. I have been able to pace myself, plan better, and use your tests as guidelines. I was nervous that they were changing the course, but when I saw that you were adjusting, I was able to relax. Thank you for being the teacher that I go to for IB help! Thanks a lot! You are great! :) "Hi, Mr.Nikolaidis, I just want to tell you that I use your Math HL exercise to teach my student. So, I would like to thank you!! "Hi, I am a math teacher, I have been teaching AP and A Levels in the last 10 years, this is my first year teaching IB (SL level). I just want to thank you because you have no idea how much you are helping me and my students with the lecture notes and exercises that you're posting." "Hi Christos, just to say I am an IB teacher in Brighton, England and me and my students absolutely love your site. Thank you so much for providing this amazing resource. It's so incredibly useful” "Hi Christos, What you have created is as beautiful as Maths itself. I refer and use your material to teach my students.” "Hi! I'm an IB Coordinator & Science Educator from the United States. Thank you so much for your fantastic website!” “Dear Christos, I have found your amasing website. Thank you. "I am also an IB math teacher. I absolutely love your website and vast resources available, thanks for sharing it. "Christos, Hi. You are very accomplished in mathematics. Thank you very much for your website content - it has been very helpful. You have obviously put in many days/months of work into preparing your notes and examples. I have suggested your web site to my students to consolidate their understanding of the topics” "My exams are currently coming up, and I just want to thank you for all the resources that you have provided. They have helped me immensely." “Buen día Christos, saludos desde Perú, felicitarle por su pagina web muy interesante y útil para el trabajo pedagógico y la preparación de los estudiantes para los exámenes del IB.” "Hello, I'm an IB student who is preparing for the upcoming Math HL exams. I just found your website and I just want to let you know that I really appreciate your work. Your lecture notes are amazing and it helped me so much. I am struggling so much especially with the optional calculus part and your notes really helped me to understand better. Thank you so much!!!!" "Hi Christos, I stumbled across your extensive resources at the start of this academic year when a departing teacher forwarded on your wonderful notes. Thanks for all your hard work!" “Thanks for these resources.... an outstanding addition to what I already do in the class...” “Hi Christos, I want to ask your permission for using your work (practice problems, etc) for my lesson activities” "Hello Christos, I would like to let you know that I appreciate every bit of information you shared in this website. Thank you so much for your immediate response and may the Lord bless you even more.” “A heartfelt gratitude for creating these wonderful resources and sharing with us. I have been using your tests and exercises in my class for last one and half month and they are extremely helpful. I have shared your lecture notes with my students and they appreciated your hard work a lot.” “Congratulations for such incredible work. I was a bit lost on coming up with a plan for MAA and your ideas were just a perfect fit. I attended an IB training last June and networking with some teachers. Our plan is a bit different but your ideas were just brilliant. Thank you for such a helpful and well-organized website.” "I am a follower of your site and truly inspired by your sharing skills” "Thank you for the great resources! " "Hello Christos, Two teachers recommended your site. And I am glad they did, a high quality collection of material. Would you mind if I recommend your site in my workshops?" “Apres plusieurs années d enseignement des maths dans les lycees et collèges d Afrique je veux passer au système IB. Je vous remercie de ce que vous offrez sur votre site car pour le moment j ai aucun livre du programme, ni du PEI ni du PDD. Toute aide est bonne à prendre.” "Hello Christos, Thank u for such wonderful arrangement of topics. These documents has really been a blessing.” "Dear Mr Nikolaidis, I am a Math HL (old Syllabus) student, and I love using your lecture notes and exercises to study. They have been very helpful over the last year and a half. I can't thank you enough for putting them online.” "Thank you for graciously sharing your intellectual property with everyone. I am co-teaching IB1 AI and knowing my colleagues, they too will be kind enough to reciprocate.” "Thanks for offering a time-calculator on” "Hi Christos, You are such a wonderful human being. I came across your math here. I can not believe it. You have made my work so easy. I can not thank you enough. You are so helpful. Thank you” "Hi Christos, I cannot begin to describe how much of a help your notes, exercises and tests and all the content that you have been posting has been to me. I am truly thankful for that.” "Thank you so much for your phenomenal resource” “Hi, I wanted to thank you for uploading all of these tests here for free!“ "Hi, I graduated IB in November 2019, in India. I increased my score to a 7 in Mathematics HL from a 5 and I would like to thank you for all the help your worksheets and tests have given me!” "Hi Christos, I am a teacher that is going to teach an IB MAA SL course this upcoming year for the first time, and found your site mentioned on an online thread. I just wanted to say thank you for making these documents public: it's awesome stuff.” "Hi Sir, I am teaching DP math in my school for the first time, I was so clueless of what is the syllabus for SL and HL and I have combined class. Somehow I found your website through IB and after looking into it, I was so relieved and your content in the website is amazing.” "Dear Mr Nikolaidis, I just wanted to thank you for all your wonderful material that you freely upload. I have been teaching for a while, but this is only my 2nd year in IB and I have found your notes incredibly useful! Thank you so very much!” "Hi Christos, Great job on the website. I love what you have to say about the unit plans. I think the unit plans are based on understanding by design, I do actually think that writing these unit plans is a useful exercise for inexperienced teacher who needs guidance on how to teach material for the first time. If the unit plans were that fundamental to teaching then we would have been provided with completed plans by the IB. Best regards, N… B…, Head of the Mathematics Department …” “GOD BLESS YOU RICHLY ON BEHALF OF MY ENTIRE CLASS!” "What a wonderfull resources you made for students. Thanks for these resources.” "Hello Christos, It a pleasure visiting your website which has a wealth of wonderful resources. I just started teaching the IB Maths A & I this semester and will continue to use this website." "Hey there, I have found your online resource for MATH AA HL and I think it is absolutely phenomenal and very very helpfull. I used your resource for a couple of my school tests and scored much higher than all my previous tests." “Hi I am a student in Shanghai, China. Currently studying in IB MATH HL Y1. I found your website in my DP Year 1 and it has been wonderful for my study. I really value your work.” “Thank you for your work on the IB curriculum. I have used it for two years now with my students here in Gilbert, Arizona in the United States. Your work is thorough and well thought out.“ "Hi Christos, I am a British teacher teaching HL MAA in an International school in Brunei. Your website has been INVALUABLE - I can't thank you enough.” "Dear Mr Nikolaidis, I take AA HL and have recently found your website which has greatly helped me to improve my math grades and enhance my understanding of so many topics. I'd just like to express my gratitude for the time and effort you've put into these resources, thank you so so much!" "Hi Mr. Nikolaidis! Thank you so much for your amazing lecture notes. They are extremely helpful. You make Math so much more fun and interesting. All the tests and exercises you have posted are very specific to the topics. Thank you so much for being so generous. I REALLY APPRECIATE IT SIR!" "Hi Chris, I live in Vancouver and work at … School. I am going to teach Math Applications and Analysis HL or SL/HL for the first time as my school is offering this course for the first time starting in September 2021. I was hoping if I could use your notes and also if I could get some advise as well. I am also wondering if there are blank notes available that I could use for my students in the first year.” "Hi, Christos, Thanks for making this website! We found it very useful as it is very difficult to find materials for the new AA & AI syllabuses, we hope that you can make more HL AI materials as these are extremely rare.” “Hello sir, This is A… from India. I am new to IB curriculum. Thank you so much. The notes was really useful for me.” "Hello there, I am R… M… and I hope you're doing well! I am a Math AI SL student. This website has helped me a lot in clearing my doubts while practicing a good number of questions from each topic. Thank you" "Good morning, I wanted to send my sincere thank you for the resources you have provided on this website. I have been an IB Math SL teacher for over 10 years now. I've worked through 2 curriculum reviews while also aligning with my provincial standards. This is our last year offering IB courses at our school, and with this being the first year of new exams, I have found your organized content to be a great tool for our exam prep. The students have been able to go to your lecture notes and use them as a great review of content, and we have used your example packages to work through questions as a class before they dive into practice papers. We did not order new textbooks for this year so your notes have been great for the students to read through knowing that everything is nicely organized in one place! I have the utmost respect for teachers who value sharing resources that not only help teachers be more effective, but ultimately help students succeed. Thank you again and have a great rest of your school year!" "Dear Christos, Thank you so much for this wonderful collection of review packets and tests for IB, I do highly appreciate it, they are fantastic!” "Dear Sir, A big kudos to your work!!” "Hi Mr. Nikolaidis, I want to thank you for your wonderful notes” "Thank you so much for posting your amazing resources! I am a soon-to-be first year teacher and was just told that I will be teaching AA SL. Feeling a little overwhelmed but am glad there are people like you who are supporting others” "I really appreciate your hard work, talent and dedication. Please keep it up from Ethiopia, Addis Ababa." "Dear Christos, Thank you so much for offering your materials online. I am planning to use your resources as a model for my AA HL class.” "Hi Christos, Greetings! I am S…, working in an international school in Mumbai. I am new to DP curriculum. I came across your site and am so overwhelmed by the way IB mathematics is handled here. Your resources have been extremely useful to me. Thanks for everything and I truly appreciate all the effort that goes into creating so many resources. Cheers”

In Languages you study a poem of 5 lines and render it into 20 pages. This is the power and the beauty of the subject.

In Mathematics you study a concept of 20 pages and render it into a "poem" of 5 lines. This is the power and the beauty of Mathematics.

Two contradictory but also complementary skills
